Political engagement

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Political engagement

Everyone who lives in a democracy is responsible for ensuring democracy works. It is important that people are active and keep up-to-date with what is happening. It is also important that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and that they express them.
Young Norwegians are more politically active than they used to be. Election turnout among the youngest voters increased by more than ten per cent from 2007 to 2011 and has remained high ever since. Membership of political youth organisations has also increased.
Membership of different organisations provides knowledge of and practice in different democratic processes, such as discussions, board work and elections and votes.
Informal political participation:
petitions, protest marches and discussions in social media
Formal political participation:
propose matters for consideration for a political party or take part in an election campaign
Talk together

- What is politics actually?
- Is it common for people to engage in politics in countries you are familiar with?
- Do you think it is important to engage in politics? Why or why not?
- Do you have to be in a political party or organisation to engage in politics?
- Discuss the link between political engagement and sense of belonging.
- How can you engage in politics where you live?
Kari: Several politicians now wish to establish a toll ring around the city. I think it’s a very bad idea.
Marie: Bad idea? No, I don’t agree with you there. People drive far too much, and the cars pollute the environment.
Kari: So what are we supposed to do? We have to get to kindergarten and work and buy groceries!
Marie: Yes, but the municipality will be able to improve bus services with revenue from the toll ring.
Kari: It still takes much longer to get around by bus than by car! And why should I pay for other people to take the bus?
Marie: Because clean air is good for everyone!
- Discuss Kari’s and Marie’s points of view.
- What can Kari do to make sure her opinions are heard?
- What can Marie do to make sure her opinions are heard?
- Are there other issues worth pursuing aside toll rings and protecting the environment?

Complete the sentence
It is important that the people in a democracy ...
Complete the sentence
Young Norwegians are ...
Select the right answer
What are examples of informal political participation?
Select the right answer
What do you normally become familiar with by being a member of a political organisation?
Select right or wrong
Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?