learning, care, educational, cooperation, parents, maximum price, language development
Primary and lower secondary school
compulsory, free, public, private, curriculum, object clause
Cooperation between the home and school
school, kindergarten, upbringing, education, co-determination
Upper secondary school and higher education
general studies, vocational, public, private, equal, Higher Education Entrance Qualification, university, university college, Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, loan, grant
Adult education
further education, continuing education, lifelong learning, primary and lower secondary school, upper secondary school, right, Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, NOKUT, assessment of prior learning and work experience
Norwegian language tuition
level, listen, read, write, oral, Norwegian test, language practice
Trade unions
employee, employer, rights, agreement, workplace, negotiate, working environment, HSE
Laws and rules in working life
employee, employer, agreement, trade union, working environment, holiday, holiday pay
The welfare state
equality, social benefits, tax, benefits, school, hospital, child benefit, NAV, social security, unemployment benefit, pension, cash-for-care benefit, labour market
Pay and taxes
gross pay, net pay, income, negotiation, payslip, tax deduction, welfare benefit, Tax Administration, tax deduction card, tax return, employment contract, undeclared work
The labour market in Norway
industries, industry, agriculture, oil, gas, service, information technology
Job seeking
application, CV, unemployment, experience, education, skills, qualities, interview
Ways to find work
Network, reference, practical training
Critical thinking and ethical awareness
argue, discuss, internet, source criticism, judgement
Social media and digital judgement
digital traces, share, data protection, privacy, personal data, internet, freedom of speech
A life in Norway
young children, children, adolescents, adults, pensioners
Rules for residence
immigrant, residence permit, refugee, asylum seeker, family reunification,
The Introduction programme and the Integration Act
Norwegian, community life, work, education, life skills, parental guidance
Marriage and family
household, single, married couple, cohabitants, partners, parental responsibility, divorce
Children and young people’s rights
the Children Act
Bringing up children
fundamental values, cooperation, advice
Living in two cultures
children, parents, society, expectations, roles
The child welfare service
upbringing, parents, measures, concern
voluntary, unpaid, community effort
Social arenas
leisure activities, voluntary work, unwritten rules
Political engagement
democracy, opinions, elections
Health and lifestyle
standard of living, public health, prevent, mental health, physical health, diet
Health services
regular GP, specialist, appointment, hospital, emergency department, immediate assistance, pharmacy, duty of secrecy, interpreter, patient charge
Dental health
Family planning, pregnancy and follow-up of children
contraception, pregnancy, birth, health centre, vaccination
Mental health
psychologist, mental illness, stress
characteristics, personality, interests, sexual identity, gender identity, gender
Moving to a new country
mental migration process, phases
Personal finances
income, expenses, gross pay, net pay, tax, child benefit, cash-for-care benefit, bank loan, online banking, instalment, interest, budget
detached house, household, own, rent, own funds, mortgage, instalment, interest, owner-occupied dwelling, housing cooperative
Domestic violence
abuse, physical, mental,
Forced marriage
Marriage Act, voluntary, love marriage, arranged marriage, forced marriage
Female genital mutilation
female circumcision
Negative social control
unreasonable, strict, limits
Facts about Norway
monarchy, language, area, population, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Svalbard, counties, municipalities, fjords, mountains, cultivated land, lakes, rivers, glaciers, climate, temperature
Red-letter days and public holidays
New Year, Sami National Day, Women’s Day, Easter, Ascension Day, Whit, Labour Day, Constitution Day, 17 May, Christmas, birthdays, weddings, baptisms, confirmations, funerals
Religion and life stance
secular, Protestantism, state religion, freedom of religion
women’s rights, housework, racism paragraph
Minority and majority in Norway
migration, Sami, Jews, Roma, Kven, Romani, integration
The Sami people
indigenous people, Sami Parliament, National Day, flag, kofte national costume, reindeer
The first Norwegians
Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age, Viking Age
The Middle Ages and the Unions
Christianity, tax, Black Death, pandemic, Church, king, nobility, union, Protestantism
Norway from 1814 to 1905
constitution, Eidsvoll, national romanticism, the Storting, nynorsk, agriculture, fishing, industry, emigration, dissolution of the union
World War I and World War II
hydroelectric power, industry, occupation, Quisling, resistance, sabotage, Hitler, Jew, concentration camp, capitulate
Present-day Norway
equality, liberty, living standard, technology, labour movement, trade union, women’s movement, oil, gas, international organisations
Human rights
United Nations (UN),
Democratic rights and duties
rule by the people, right to vote, due process protection, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of organisation, democratic rules of play, equality, trust
Democracy in Norway
state, county authority, municipality, right to self-determination, politician, bureaucrat, the Storting, government, Council of State, prime minister, separation of powers
Elections and political parties
general elections, local elections, municipal and county elections, right to vote, socialist, conservative, party manifesto
Nature and natural resources
fish, forest, oil, export, public right of access
Sustainable development
consumption, climate change, renewable resources, locally produced, Sustainable Development Goals
Nature conservation and environmental protection
reuse, recycling, separating waste at source, food waste, transport