Ways to find work


Tips til undervisningen

Det er vanlig å starte arbeidslivet sitt i Norge med vikariater, engasjementer, småjobber, osv.

Det er viktig å snakke om hva nettverk har å si, både for det sosiale sin del, men også for å få jobb. Diskuter hvordan man kan få flere mennesker i nettverket sitt. Fungerer dette på ulike måter i Norge og i deltakernes hjemland?

Tips til undervisninga

Det er vanleg å starte arbeidslivet sitt i Noreg med vikariat, engasjement, småjobbar osv.

Det er viktig å snakke om kva nettverk har å seie, både for det sosiale sin del, men òg for å få jobb. Diskuter korleis ein kan få fleire menneske i nettverket sitt. Fungerer dette på ulike måtar i Noreg og i heimlanda til deltakarane?


Grunnleggende ferdigheter

Digitale ferdigheter
Muntlige ferdigheter

Tverrfaglige tema

Demokrati og medborgerskap

Læreplan i samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere etter integreringsloven

bruke kunnskap om arbeidslivet til å ta hensiktsmessige valg knyttet til opplæring, utdanning og arbeid


Individ og fellesskap


Muntlig aktivitet

Ways to find work

Et nærbilde av en manns hender som skriver på en PC. På PC-en ser vi en CV. Mannen søker jobber. Foto

You have several options when you are looking for a job in Norway:

  • use your network
  • internet: nav.no and finn.no
  • temping agencies

Many employers think that references are important. They can then ask previous employers about how the applicant performs at work. A former boss or colleague can give good references.

Finding a job for the first time in Norway can be difficult because people may not have references or an extensive network. It may therefore be a good idea to do practical training in a workplace for a period, take some courses etc. Practical training and various odd jobs enable you to develop your network and obtain references.

It is said that between 60 and 80 per cent of jobs in Norway are not advertised, but are filled through people’s networks. Your network is all the people you know, meet and are in contact with. Your network can include family, relations, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbours, teachers and case officers.

Talk together

  • How do people normally go about finding a job in your home country?
  • Talk about different ways of finding work in Norway.
  • Who was in your network before you came to Norway? Who is in your network now?
  • Do you need a bigger network in Norway? How are you going to go about expanding it?

Select the right answer

What is a reference?

Select the right answer

What is a network?

Select the right answer

Is it common to advertise vacant positions in Norway?

Select the right answer

Which websites do people usually look at when they’re looking for a job?

finn.no and regjeringen.no
nav.no and finn.no
stortinget.no and nav.no

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

You should use your network when you’re looking for a job.
You can find vacant positions at nav.no and finn.no.
A reference is a family member describing what you are good at.
Doing practical training in workplaces to gain experience is not recommended.
Many positions are never advertised.