The child welfare service

The child welfare service

Caring for and bringing up a child is primarily the responsibility of the parents. Some parents may need help for short or long periods, for example because they are in a difficult life situation etc. The Child Welfare Service can help children and families in such situations. Every municipality in Norway has a child welfare service office.
The history of the Child Welfare Service goes back to the 19th century. Norway was the first country in the world to establish a public child welfare service to help vulnerable children in need of extra help and protection. The first act, vergerådsloven (child welfare act) entered into force in 1900.
The Child Welfare Service is there for children in need of help.
- The Child Welfare Service seeks to ensure that children and adolescents have a safe childhood.
- The Child Welfare Service shall provide help and support to children, adolescents and families when things are difficult at home.
- The Child Welfare Service offers different support services, such as counselling, respite and personal support. Parents can request these services themselves.
- The Child Welfare Service's most important task is to protect children, ideally together with the family.
- If necessary, the Child Welfare Service can find a new family for children who need protection from their parents.
- Everyone who works in the Child Welfare Service is subject to a duty of confidentiality.
- Everyone who works with children has a duty to notify the Child Welfare Service if they suspect domestic violence.
- Everyone who is concerned about a child should notify the Child Welfare Service.
How can children and adults contact the Child Welfare Service?
All municipalities have a Child Welfare Service office that is open during office hours. Both children and adults can contact this office. In the evening or at night, children or people who are concerned about a child can call the emergency phone service for children and young people, phone number: 116 111.
Talk together

- Discuss the Child Welfare Service’s role in Norwegian society.
- In what situations might children need to be protected from their own family?
- Many people who have recently settled in Norway, are very sceptical of the Child Welfare Service. Why do you think that is the case?
Select the right answer
When did Norway’s first Child Welfare Act, Vergerådsloven, enter into force?
Select the right answer
Where can you find Child Welfare Service offices?
Complete the sentence
Everyone who works with children has a duty to notify the Child Welfare Service if they suspect ...
Select right or wrong
Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?
Select right or wrong
Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?