Elections and political parties


Tips til undervisningen

Gå inn på hjemmesidene til noen av de største politiske partiene og les om hva de står for. Læreren bør også ha oversikt over og formidle de politiske forholdene lokalt i kommunen der deltakerne bor.

Da norske kvinner fikk stemmerett i 1913, var det som et av de første landene i verden. Sammenlikn gjerne med land deltakerne kjenner til.

Diskusjonsspørsmål, om aktuelt: Vil det at kvinner også har stemmerett gjøre noen forskjell på resultatene av politiske valg, tror dere?

Tips til undervisninga

Gå inn på heimesidene til nokre av dei største politiske partia og les om kva dei står for. Læraren bør òg ha oversikt over og formidle dei lokale politiske tilhøva i kommunen der deltakarane bur.

Noreg var eit av dei første landa i verda der kvinner fekk stemmerett. Det hende i 1913. Samanlikn gjerne med andre land som deltakarane kjenner til.

Diskusjonsspørsmål dersom det er aktuelt: Trur de at det har noko å seie for resultata av politiske val at kvinner òg har stemmerett?


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Tverrfaglige tema

Demokrati og medborgerskap

Læreplan i samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere etter integreringsloven

gi eksempler på hvordan demokratiet i Norge fungerer, knyttet til de tre statsmaktene og prinsippet om maktfordeling, politiske partier og valgordningen


Demokratiforståelse og deltakelse


Muntlig aktivitet

Elections and political parties

Political elections are held in Norway every two years. Elections alternate between general and local (county council and municipal) elections.

The political parties adopt a manifesto at their party conferences. In the manifesto, the party sets out which issues it wants to prioritise in the upcoming election period, i.e. for the next four years.

Elections in Norway take place by secret ballot. This means that we don’t need to tell other people which party we vote for. People in the same family often vote for different parties. It is important to have an independent opinion about which party you support.

Right to vote

  • The voting age in Norway is 18 years.
  • You have to be a Norwegian citizen to vote in general elections.
  • In order to vote in county and municipal council elections, you must have lived in Norway for the last three years.
  • Norwegian men have had universal suffrage since 1898, while women were given universal suffrage in 1913.

Political parties

There are around twenty different political parties in Norway, and many alternatives to choose from in elections.

We can roughly place the big parties on a scale from ‘socialist’ to ‘conservative’ as follows:

Talk together

  • How are political elections held in countries you know of?
  • Do you think it is important to vote in political elections? Why? / Why not?
  • What do you know about the different political parties in Norway?
  • What can you do to obtain more information about the political parties and what they stand for?
  • Who is Prime Minister in Norway? What political party does he or she represent?

Select the right answer

How often are political elections held in Norway?

Select the right answer

What does is mean that elections are held by secret ballot in Norway?

Select the right answer

How many political parties are there in Norway?

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

Norwegian men gained the right to vote in 1913.
We can place the parties on a scale from ‘socialist’ to ‘conservative’.
In order to vote in county and municipal council elections, you must have lived in Norway for seven years.
The voting age in Norway is 16 years.
You have to be a Norwegian citizen to vote in general elections.

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

There is a general election every second year.
The political parties adopt a manifesto at their party conferences.
Elections in Norway do not take place by secret ballot.
People in the same family must vote for the same party.
There are around 20 political parties in Norway.

Click on the image

Click on the circle with the conservative parties.


Click on the image

Click on the circle with the socialist parties.
