The welfare state


Tips til undervisningen

Snakk sammen

Start med å snakke om hva mennesker trenger og hva som må være på plass for at vi skal leve gode liv (mat, bolig, helse, familie, jobb, utdanning, penger osv.).

Definer velferd: vel = bra, god og ferd = reise Velferd betyr en god reise gjennom livet.

Hvilke behov blir dekket av velferdsgoder i det norske samfunnet?
Hvordan finansieres velferdsgodene i Norge? Se på sammenhengen mellom skatt, avgifter og velferdsgoder.


Mange av velferdsordningene (sykepenger, dagpenger, sosialhjelp, alderspensjon, uførepensjon, barnetrygd o.a.) blir fovaltet av Nav, som til sammen forvalter en tredjedel av statsbudsjettet.

Lover og regler avgjør hvordan Nav disponerer midlene til de ulike velferdsordningene. Det er ikke slik at hver enkelt saksbehandler tar avgjørelser etter sitt eget hode.

Tips til undervisninga

Snakk saman

Start med å snakke om kva menneske treng og kva som må vere på plass for at vi skal leve gode liv (mat, bustad, helse, familie, jobb, utdanning, pengar osv.).

Definer velferd: vel = bra, god og ferd = reise. Velferd tyder ei god reise gjennom livet.

Kva behov blir dekte av velferdsgode i det norske samfunnet?
Korleis blir dei norske velferdsgoda finansierte? Sjå på samanhengen mellom skatt, avgifter og velferdsgode.


Mange av velferdsordningane (sjukepengar, dagpengar, sosialhjelp, alderspensjon, uførepensjon, barnetrygd o.a.) blir forvalta av Nav, som til saman forvaltar ein tredel av statsbudsjettet.

Lover og reglar avgjer korleis Nav disponerer midlane til dei ulike velferdsordningane. Det er ikkje slik at kvar einskild sakshandsamar tek avgjerder etter sitt eige hovud.


Grunnleggende ferdigheter

Digitale ferdigheter
Muntlige ferdigheter

Tverrfaglige tema

Demokrati og medborgerskap

Læreplan i samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere etter integreringsloven

gi eksempler på hva skattefinansiert velferd innebærer


Individ og fellesskap
Demokratiforståelse og deltakelse


Muntlig aktivitet

The welfare state

Norway is a welfare society built around the idea of equality. This means that everyone is equally important, and that everyone shall have the opportunity to live a good life. The central government and municipalities are mainly responsible for the provision of welfare benefits. We call Norway a welfare state.

A welfare state is not a matter of course. The Norwegian welfare state has been built benefit by benefit over the course of 100 years. All the benefit schemes cost a great deal of money. The politicians decide which benefit schemes are to be in place. They can thus change in line with which parties are in power and with the financial situation of society.

A welfare state depends on as many people as possible working and paying tax. Most people also prefer to support themselves and be independent. However, the welfare state can provide financial assistance to those who need it.

Examples of welfare schemes:

  • sick pay
  • unemployment benefit
  • introduction benefit
  • free education
  • free hospital care
  • child benefit

The use of the welfare system is largely based on trust. The central government and the people trust each other. The people trust the central government to help them when necessary, and the central government trusts the people not to abuse the welfare system.

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)

Every municipality in Norway has a NAV office. The NAV office can help us if we need to qualify to find work or if we need financial assistance during periods of illness or other difficult periods of life. In addition, NAV is responsible for all National Insurance benefits in Norway. NAV is also responsible for social security benefit, unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, pension, child benefit and the cash-for-care benefit scheme, among other things.

NAV administers approx. one third of the national budget, and has around 22,000 employees.

The welfare society creates jobs

A welfare society needs many employees. Approx. 30 per cent of the gainfully employed in Norway today work in the public sector. The Norwegian welfare society needs many different kinds of occupational groups for it to work.

Examples include:

  • teachers, office staff, cleaners and other school staff
  • doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, office staff, cleaners and other members of staff at hospitals and nursing homes
  • case officers, office staff and other NAV staff

Talk together

  • What is equality? What is welfare? What is a good life?
  • Discuss the welfare system in Norwegian society.
  • Talk about NAV’s importance for the Norwegian welfare state.
  • NAV administers one third of Norway’s national budget. What does this tell us about the Norwegian welfare state? Where does the money come from?
Lege sjekker blodtrykk. Foto.
Illustrasjon, fire personer sitter på stabler av mynter.

Select the right answer

Who has main responsibility for the provision of welfare benefits to the population of Norway?

Select the right answer.

What are examples of welfare benefits? You can select more than one answer.

Select the right answer

What are NAV’s duties? You can select more than one answer.

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

NAV is responsible for all the benefit schemes in Norway.
There are three NAV offices in Norway. One in Oslo, one in Trondheim and one in Bergen.
Around half of the gainfully employed in Norway work in the public sector.
The use of welfare benefits is largely based on trust.
A welfare state depends on as many people as possible working and paying tax.

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

People who live in a welfare state get free food and accommodation.
The NAV office can help us if we need assistance to qualify to find work.
The politicians decide which benefit schemes are to be in place.
The welfare schemes in Norway can be changed without changing the constitution.
The welfare state can provide financial assistance to those who need it.

Select the right image

Which occupations are common in the public sector? You can select more than one image.