The labour market in Norway


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Videoen viser til sammen atten klipp fra ulike norske yrker. Først ser vi svart-hvitt-bilder av yrker som var vanlige før i tiden – jordbruk og fiske. Sår ser vi klipp fra moderne yrker, som oljeplattformarbeider, butikkmedarbeider og sykepleier.

Forslag til spørsmål

Hva er vanlige yrker i hjemlandet ditt? Er de samme yrkene vanlige i Norge?
Tror du det er vanlig å velge samme yrke som foreldrene sine? Hva er fordelene ved å gjøre det? Hva er ulempene?
Finnes det andre positive sider ved å jobbe enn at man får lønn?
Var det enkelt å få jobb i hjemlandet ditt? Tror du det er enklere eller vanskeligere å få jobb i Norge?
Hvilke yrker tror du vi har flere av i Norge enn i andre land?

Snakk sammen

Tilleggsspørsmål: Hvordan påvirker digitaliseringen av samfunnet deltakernes jobbmuligheter?

Tips til undervisninga

Sjå filmen

Videoen viser til saman atten klipp frå ulike norske yrke. Først ser vi svart-kvitt-bilete av yrke som var vanlege før i tida – jordbruk og fiske. Så ser vi klipp frå moderne yrke som plattformarbeidar, butikkmedarbeidar og sjukepleiar.

Framlegg til spørsmål

Kva er vanlege yrke i heimlandet ditt? Er dei same yrka vanlege i Noreg?
Trur du det er vanleg å velje same yrke som foreldra sine? Kva er fordelane med å gjere det? Kva er ulempene?
Finst det andre positive sider ved å jobbe enn at ein får løn?
Var det enkelt å få jobb i heimlandet ditt? Trur du det er enklare eller vanskelegare å få jobb i Noreg?
Kva for yrke trur du vi har fleire av i Noreg enn i andre land?

Snakk saman

Tilleggsspørsmål: Korleis påverkar digitaliseringa av samfunnet deltakarane sine jobbmoglegheiter?


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bruke kunnskap om arbeidslivet til å ta hensiktsmessige valg knyttet til opplæring, utdanning og arbeid


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The labour market in Norway

Agriculture, forestry and fishing were the most important industries in Norway 150 years ago. Much has changed since then. In the late 19th century, factories were built and many people moved to the towns and cities to work. Many new jobs in industry were created during the first half of the 20th century. At the same time, many Norwegians left for the USA and settled there.

Et svart-hvitt-fotografi viser en hest og en kjerre på en eng. Ved siden av og oppi kjerra står fire personer som samler høy og gress i kjerra. Foto
Midt-Telemark museum

In 1950, more than 20 per cent of the population worked in agriculture. Today, the proportion has dropped to under 3 per cent. Norway nevertheless produces more food than before. An important reason for this is that we now have farming machinery that makes food production easier and more efficient.

After oil was discovered in the North Sea in the late 1960s, oil and gas production became an important part of Norway's industrial sector. Oil and gas have been very important to the Norwegian economy. They will continue to be important, although climate challenges will also necessitate a transition to ‘green’ jobs.

During the past 30 years, the labour market in Norway has again undergone major changes. Among other things, there has been a strong decrease in the number of people working in industry. Today, most jobs are found in service occupations. This means that if you are looking for a job in Norway, the chances are good for finding work in a shop or in the healthcare, school or kindergarten sectors, or in passenger transport. Many people can also find work in occupations relating to the development of information technology.

Talk together

  • What does the table tell us?
  • What is the distribution of different industries like in countries you know of?
  • In which occupations are you likely to find work?

Select the right answer

When did oil and gas production become an important part of Norway's industrial sector?

Select the right answer

Where are most jobs in Norway today?

Select the right answer

Which industries were more important in Norway 150 years ago?

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

In the late 16th century, factories were built and many people moved to the towns and cities.
Today, under 3 per cent work in agriculture.
Less food is produced in Norway now than before.
Many Norwegians moved to America during the first half of the 20th century.
Oil was found in the North Sea at the end of the 1960s.

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

Agriculture, forestry and fishing were the most important industries in Norway 150 years ago.
Most people today work in fishing and forestry.
We now have farming machinery that makes food production easier and more efficient than it used to be.
Climate challenges mean there is now a focus on the transition to ‘green’ jobs.
Oil and gas have been very important to the Norwegian economy.

Select the right image

Today, most jobs are found in service occupations. Which images show service occupations? You can select more than one image.