Adult education


Tips til undervisningen

Det er godt mulig at du som lærer her vil få spørsmål om den enkelte deltakers situasjon. Det har du ikke mulighet eller anledning til å bruke tid på i undervisningen. Hvis du vet hvor deltakerne dine kan få råd og veiledning om akkurat sin situasjon, kan du henvise dem videre.

Snakk sammen

Kanskje noen deltakere opplever at det som veldig fremmed og «uverdig» å lære/gå på skole som voksen? I Norge er det vanlig å bygge på kompetansen gjennom hele yrkeslivet. Mange tar hele utdanninger som voksen eller videreutdanning/etterutdanning for å heve kompetansen sin mens man er i jobb. Dette skyldes både at arbeidslivet er i endring og at mennesker endrer seg i løpet av livet.

Tips til undervisninga

Det er godt mogleg at du som lærar her vil få spørsmål om situasjonen til einskilddeltakarar. Du har ikkje tid eller høve til å bruke undervisningstida på dette. Dersom du veit kvar deltakarane dine kan få råd og rettleiing om situasjonen sin, kan du vise dei vidare.

Snakk saman

Kanskje nokre av deltakarane opplever det som veldig framandt og «uverdig» å skulle lære/gå på skule som vaksen? I Noreg er det vanleg å byggje på kompetansen sin gjennom heile yrkeslivet. Mange tek heile utdanningar som vaksne eller tek vidare- og etterutdanning for å heve kompetansen sin medan dei er i jobb. Dette skuldast både at arbeidslivet er i endring og at menneske endrar seg i løpet av livet.


Grunnleggende ferdigheter

Digitale ferdigheter
Muntlige ferdigheter

Tverrfaglige tema

Demokrati og medborgerskap

Læreplan i samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere etter integreringsloven

gi eksempler på barn, unge og voksnes rettigheter, plikter og muligheter i det norske utdanningssystemet, og hvordan utdanning kan finansieres


Individ og fellesskap


Muntlig aktivitet

Adult education

Hånd som skriver. Skrivebord sett ovenfra med liten plante, laptop og notatblokk. Foto.

Society is constantly changing. New technology has consequences for the labour market. Employees have to keep up to date and learn new skills. Adults can take a new education, build on their previous education or take primary or lower secondary school subjects to meet the new demands in the workplace. Many adults also take continuing and further education in parallel with their work. The fact that we learn over the course of our lives is called lifelong learning.

Preparatory education and upper secondary education for adults

Adults have the right to take preparatory education (FOV) if they have not completed primary and secondary education. Preparatory education is free for adults. Municipalities are responsible for providing this education.

Adults aged 25 or over have the right to upper secondary education if they have not taken such education before. You have to complete primary and lower secondary education in Norway or in another country before you can start upper secondary education. The county authority is responsible for the education. Upper secondary education for adults is free within the public school system. Many private schools are also available. They are not free.

Although schools are free, adults need money to live. Many of them can therefore get a grant and/or borrow money from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund while they go to school.

Recognition of education taken abroad

If you have qualifications from other countries, you can apply to have them recognised in Norway. This is done through the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir). Health personnel can apply for authorisation from the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Speak to an adviser at your school or to a refugee consultant for more information about your options.

Assessment of prior learning and work experience

We can gain skills both through education and through other experience. It may be difficult for those who come to Norway as adults to document their skills by submitting certificates etc. They may then have their prior learning and work experience assessed. This means that the individual’s skills are assessed against stipulated criteria. The assessment can result in shortening of courses of study, admission to study programmes, exemption from parts of a study programme, a new job or higher pay. Assessment is possible at primary and lower secondary level, in connection with a vocational education and at higher education level.

Talk together

  • What do you think of the term lifelong learning?
  • Talk together about how developments in society affect the individual’s need for new knowledge and skills.
Hånd som skriver, nærbilde. Foto.
Ung gutt sitter foran laptop sammen med eldre mann. Foto.

Select the right answer

When are adults entitled to free primary and lower secondary education?

Select the right answer

Who is responsible for providing primary and lower secondary education including to adults?

Select the right answer

Adults aged 25 or over have the right to upper secondary education if they have not taken such education before. What kind of schooling do you need to have this right?

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

Adults who have not completed primary and lower secondary education have no rights.
Upper secondary education for adults is free within the public school system.
It is uncommon for adults to take an education.
Many people get a grant and/or loan from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund while they go to school.
The county authority is responsible for upper secondary education.

Select right or wrong

Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?

There are private upper secondary schools. They are free.
Qualifications from other countries can’t be approved in Norway.
Health personnel can apply for authorisation from the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
Prior learning is skills that are difficult to document.
The fact that we learn over the course of our lives is called lifelong learning.