Pay and taxes

Pay and taxes

When we talk about pay in Norway, we often talk about annual pay or hourly pay. The average gross annual pay in Norway is just under NOK 670,000 before tax (2023). On average, women earn less than men. This is explained by, among other things, the fact that women more often work part-time, and that they often choose occupations with a lower pay level.
Pay is subject to negotiation. The negotiations are either held directly between an employer and an employee or between the employer’s representatives and the employees’ representatives. When employees are members of a trade union, the trade union often negotiates on behalf of its members.
Wages are usually paid into a bank account once a month on a certain date. The employee also receives a pay slip that provides information about pay and tax deductions.
Source: Statistics Norway
Norwegian society is completely dependent on people paying different direct and indirect taxes. Among other things, these taxes finance our welfare system. All employees in Norway pay taxes to the municipality where they live, and to the Norwegian state. Employers also pay taxes to the municipality and the state.

Everyone who earns more than a minimum stipulated amount a year has to pay tax. Everyone does not pay the same amount of tax. Those who earn a lot pay most tax. Those who earn less pay less tax. The idea is that those who have a lot shall give a lot back to the common good.
When you take up a job, your employer must find out how much tax to deduct. The Norwegian Tax Administration calculates how much tax you have to pay. You are responsible for ensuring that the Tax Administration has accurate information about you. You can see the information registered about you and make changes to it on the Tax Administration’s website. Your employer downloads your tax deduction card.
It is the employer’s duty to deduct tax from the employees’ gross pay before paying them. The employer transfers the tax deductions to the tax authorities.
Tax return
The tax you pay is calculated based on the information the Tax Administration has about you. In March/April, everyone receives an overview of their income etc. for the previous year. This overview is digital, and you have to log into to check the figures. If you have paid too much tax, you will get a refund. If you have paid too little tax, you will receive an invoice you have to pay.
Employment contracts

Everyone who gets a job is entitled to a written employment contract. Both the employer and the employee must sign the contract. The Working Environment Act sets out what the employment contract must contain. Among other things, it must contain a description of the position, pay and working hours arrangements.
Undeclared work
Undeclared work means working without a contract and without paying taxes. The employer does not pay employer’s National Insurance contributions or other National Insurance contributions for the employee. Undeclared work is illegal and is regarded as a form of economic crime. Both employers and employees can be punished for undeclared work.
Undeclared work is also immoral. Employees who do not pay taxes, do not contribute to society. Every year, the Norwegian state loses millions of kroner in tax revenues, employer's National Insurance contributions and employee National Insurance contributions as a result of undeclared work. This is money that should have helped to pay for the welfare system.
In addition to being illegal and immoral, undeclared work can have huge consequences for the employee:
- no sick pay
- no holiday pay
- no pension points
- no right to unemployment benefit if you lose your job
- no accident insurance
- no possibility of getting a bank loan
- no employment contract – no reference – no documented work experience – it will be difficult to find another job
Talk together

- What is the tax system like in your home country?
- What would the consequences be for Norwegian society if people didn’t pay tax?
- Why is a written employment contract important?
- Discuss the consequences of undeclared work, both for the individual and society.

Select the right answer
What is gross pay?
Select the right answer
What is a payslip?
Select the right answer
What is undeclared work?
Select right or wrong
Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?
Select right or wrong
Read the statements. What is right? What is wrong?